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3D Shapes



Welcome to the Designing for AI session. Here I would like to share a few learnings and challenges I found when designing for AI. I hope you enjoy the content.

This page is in progress, so you may find unfinished content that needs an update.

Here are some of the points I want to explore further.


1. Breaking down definitions and Recommendation types


2. Finding the right balance between Business Goals x User needs.


3. UI learnings and the cold-start problem


4. Would execution be the biggest challenge in delivering Recommendations? Insights about communicating UX vision and documentation.



Metigy's contextual Recommendations are located on the right side of the interface

{ Iteration } Collapsable panel of Recommendations 

{ Iteration } Recommendations embedded in the journey. It follows user flow.

{ Iteration } Decision Support embedded in the component 

Discovery State

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